Advanced Hair for Kids Program
Advanced Hair Studio has also provided successful hair loss treatment solutions to many kids. While hair restoration and replacement is often associated with adults, there are occasions where children will require hair growth solutions. One reason why Advanced Hair Studio is called on to provide hair loss treatment to kids is because of the side effects caused when a child is undergoing cancer treatment. For the children, themselves, cancer treatment is further exacerbated by the fact that they suffer from hair loss as well.
The Melbourne Royal Children’s Hospital knows this more than any other, delivering treatment for cancer to many children each year. An emotional time for both the child and the family, hair loss due to treatment makes the entire process even more difficult.
For Advanced Hair Studio, the added trauma of hair loss due to cancer treatment could be lessened. Consequently, we established the Advanced Hair for Kids Program. As a leading hair loss treatment and hair growth solutions company, it was obvious that we could help. We are proud to provide hair loss treatment solutions to many kids each year who experience hair loss due to cancer treatment.
Advanced Hair Studio has teamed up with the Social Work department at the Royal Children’s Hospital to deliver the Advanced Hair for Kids Program. We provide hair free of charge, ensuring that these kids’ and their families’ journeys are less traumatic and empowering them to regain some sense of normalcy following their treatment.
Having been in the hair loss treatment industry for over three decades, Advanced Hair Studio understands just how devastating hair loss can be to a person’s confidence and wellbeing. It doesn’t matter if it is an adult or a child, the feelings are the same.
At Advanced Hair Studio, we feel that the Advanced Hair for Kids Program builds confidence in kids by giving them a hair growth solution after cancer treatment. We feel it is a way to give back to the community, providing those kids who suffer from hair loss due to cancer therapy with that extra something to get them back into their daily lives again.